As promised, here is the update for Quilts of Valor.
We successfully delivered 18 quilts to our new Montana QOV State Coordinator on Wednesday, September 28th. Sue Giskass [with husband Mark] met with several of our group answering questions and outlining some of her hopes for expanding the QOV Montana programs.
She is hoping to put together fundraising events, retreats and she had many more great ideas. She has been successful in contacting the Columbia Falls Vet Home! We are set for a tentative outdoor presentation in the spring of 2023! 50 Veterans will be honored. She is working with the Director there to obtain names etc. and see if they want a private presentation in their room or the outside gathering. More details to follow! Please consider making a quilt, long arming or binding one when we have them.
Our October 10 meeting at Goin' Quilting will be our last meeting there as Wanda has decided to retire and close the shop. While I am thrilled for her, I am also sad as her shop and sewing area has been a wonderful place to meet, find fabulous fabrics and make new friends. We wish her good luck and hope this gives her time to sew with the QOV program!!
A search is on for new meeting places. Vida Anderson has a sewing class room she has offered to us and we have a few other possibilities. Watch your email for announcements.
January is QOV membership renewal time. $15 for an annual membership. You can complete this on line [remember to add the group ID for Western Montana QOV= 54862]
We will also be renewing [or signing up new] members at the November MQG meeting. Bring checkbook or cash.
Pause on Raffle at MQG
The last few guild meetings have shown a slower number of people buying raffle tickets. This is probably due to changes in meeting format so we will hold off on raffle baskets for a while. Perhaps we can put together a bigger basket in the spring to fund raise. If you'd like to manage this for the group please let me know. I still have multiple items.
We have 2 presentations coming up. A private family presentation Monday Oct 10th for Cecil Evans US AirForce (1956-60) and in November Thomas Higgins US Navy [1966-68] at a Griz football game family tailgate event. If interested in helping with the later presentation let me know.
