Hello fellow Guild members,
It’s way past time for me to update you on the Ukraine quilt project. I first put out the request for quilts on December 28th, and oh my goodness how you all have responded! I never in my wildest dreams imagined that less than a month later - nearly 400 quilts would be covering almost every surface of my house! I’ve actually lost count, but my best guess is that we’ve received that many donations.
Our original shipper fell through, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I was lucky to discover Wrap the World With Quilts Inc. in Lehi, UT who has allowed us to partner with them. Check out their website and Facebook page, they are amazing. They have distributed over 21,287 quilts as of today. They are connected with another nonprofit in UT, Lifting Hands International who actually ships and distributes the quilts to Ukraine, and to refugees in Poland, Moldova and Romania. They’re even giving quilts to Ukrainian soldiers! If you’d like to help out with the expenses related to Wrap Ukraine with Quilts, they do have a Venmo account: Hello Cottons
Here in Missoula, we’ve had three Sew Days on 1/7,21 and 25th to sew labels on quilts. On the 25th a reporter and photographer from the Missoulian came to do a story on our project. Be on the lookout this Sunday for our story! I was really hoping to thank each of you individually for sewing on labels and donating quilts, but I’m sure I would inadvertently leave off several names and I would feel terrible about that. So please give yourself a big hug and consider yourself sincerely thanked for donating and hand sewing for this project.

The January 31st deadline for accepting donations is fast approaching. My husband and I are now preparing the boxes for shipping. Wrap Ukraine with Quilts has labels we upload, attach to the boxes and take to any UPS shipping location.

So, that’s what’s happening with this project. Thanks so much everyone for taking my little germ of an idea and turning it into an enormously successful undertaking!
Joni Stormo