For those of you who would like to download / print out the categories list here you go.
The quilt registration forms were available at the November 9th meeting. If you were not able to attend, the forms will be available at all the monthly meetings from December through February. Please keep in mind that each member is allowed a maximum of 4 quilts to be entered into the show and a total of 400 quilts will be allowed in the show. Registration will be cut off as soon as we reach 400.
If you are in need of forms and cannot attend a meeting, please contact Marcene Coburn Susan Appelt. The forms are not available on the website.
Completed forms need to be hand delivered to Marcene, Susan or Peggy. We will make ourselves available to meet you to pick up completed forms or you can bring them to a meeting. We recommend getting your forms done as soon as possible.
Looking forward to a great show!
Marcene P. Coburn - Quilt Show Co-Chair
