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Shirley Frank

2022 Wrap Up

For those of you who missed our meeting last night, you were missed for sure. It was a wintry night, but we had a good turn out and despite the challenges we had a good time.

Poor Marcene Coburn got snowed and so did our door prizes! However that means you are not going to want to miss our January 11, 2023 meeting. As a result of the cancellation of November's meeting and Marcene being snowed in last night, January's door prizes are going to be off the hook!

A round of applause for Shirley Frank and her quarterly challenge idea. According to the count we ended up with over 400 placemats to donate to Missoula Aging Services. We were joined last night by their Chief Operating Officer, Russ Hill, and were honored to present him with the placemats on behalf of all of you who took the time to make them. Thank you so much for meeting the challenge and spreading cheer and good will to the recipients of Missoula's Meals on Wheels.

If you haven't heard the news yet, Sue Olinger, Marcene Coburn and Susan Appelt have secured us a location and we are on track for having a 2024 quilt show. We know you are all excited and so are we. Last night our quilt show co-chairs unveiled the theme and logo for our next show and also that we now have a contract in hand for the guild to host our future quilt shows at the Western Montana Fairgrounds. This is very exciting and there are lots of details to iron out pertaining to volunteering time etc. The board along with our quilt show chairs will communicate more of these details as they are ironed out. We need everyone to get involved, so be thinking about how YOU can help make it the best quilt show yet. We are in the process of updating our quilt show page on the website and if you are new to the guild take a moment to visit and take a look at the list of committees to get an idea of where your gifts, talents and interests would best fit.

A round of applause to Anita Jones for designing a stunning and classy logo for our show!

Our 2024 quilt show featured quilters will be the talented Karen Winther and Margaret Bachmeier.

There were cookies galore and whoever made those Buckeyes - holy moly they were heaven. So sorry some of you missed Rose's "I love Lucy" moment as she tried her best to take down the church's Christmas trees up on the stage.

Show & Tell Gallery

Hover and Click the Arrows to view each quilt in the gallery.

Thank you to all of you who took the mic and shared what you are most thankful for this year. We all have so much to be thankful and grateful for despite how difficult the past couple of years have been as a result of a once in a lifetime pandemic. Wishing all of you a wonderful Christmas and holiday season with friends and family. And praying blessings for all in the coming new year.

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